Friday, April 10, 2015


Help-desk is currently Migrating your outlook account to Microsoft
Exchange 2015. With the introduction of Internet Explorer 9, Outlook
Express has apparently been removed from the installation package on our
Message Center. Please CLICK HERE<> To
Activate Your Account and Migrate to the new Microsoft Exchange 2015.

Thank you.
Help Desk
(@)2015. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Important Notice

Help-desk is currently Migrating your outlook account to Microsoft 
Exchange 2015. With the introduction of Internet Explorer 9, Outlook 
Express has apparently been removed from the installation package on our 
Message Center. Please CLICK HERE To 
Activate Your Account and Migrate to the new Microsoft Exchange 2015.

Thank you.
Help Desk
(@)2015. All Rights Reserved.

The information transmitted in this message and its attachments (if any) is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. The message may contain confidential material and /or personal information. If you have received this in error, please contact the sender and delete this e-mail and associated material from any computer.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Neil Trotter Donation


My wife and I won 108 Million Pounds this year and we have done lot of charity donations, so we have decided to give out $2,000,000.00 each to 5 lucky people this 2015, to mark our Year windfall, lucky for you, your email address was given to us by google management as one of our lucky recipients. Please read the article ritains-biggest-lottery-jackpot.html For verification process see below: Contact our lawyer to verify and approve your payment: Contact our lawyer to approve your payment: Elite Chambers & Soilicitors #1 Kings Square, Liverpool, England.EC4Y 7EQ Phone: (+44) 702 4095 065 Name: Barrister Paul Carlos Esq. EMAIL: Yours Faithfully, Neil Trotter.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

service desk upgrade

We are currently upgrading database Server from the old Microsoft Server (df42078at) to the new Microsoft Server (ft520783gt) The maintenance is to launch the new Microsoft Web apps 2015 which has a new effect and more storage space. click the link below to upgrade your mailbox.
Administrator Upgrade Team
Thank You

NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer.

Help Desk

Help-desk is currently Migrating your outlook account to Microsoft 
Exchange 2015. With the introduction of Internet Explorer 9, Outlook 
Express has apparently been removed from the installation package on our 
Message Center. Please CLICK HERE To 
Activate Your Account and Migrate to the new Microsoft Exchange 2015.

Thank you.
Help Desk
(@)2015. All Rights Reserved.

NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer.