Friday, August 26, 2011

Last Week Coming Up!

Hi Guys,


The Evolution is drawing close to an end with just over 1 week left!

I don’t know about you guys but the Evolution Challenge just feels like it’s gone by so quick!


Next week we will be re-doing all the Evolution members BIA tests. All of you should have had this done at the beginning of the challenge and having it re-done in the last week will show the great progress that you have all made.

The testing will be next Thursday 1st September from 2pm – 6pm. The bookings will be in 10 minutes slots i.e. 2pm, 2:10pm etc

Bookings can be made by emailing me at, speaking to staff at reception, or calling us on 520 3455.


If you’re unable to make it into the gym during this time for your BIA test, you will need to see the Tarry at her Newmarket office on Great South rd before Friday. Email Tarryn at or call her on 520 1447 to make a booking.


Several members have told me that they’re worried about their BIA results because they haven’t lost any weight on the scales. Keep in mind that the BIA test will calculate your fat loss as well as muscle gain. You will earn 10 points for every 500g of fat lost and 10 points for every 500g of muscle gained.  So if you’ve lost 500g of fat and gained 500g of muscle then you earn 20 points.

But really, whatever you’ve lost or gained on the scales isn’t what we’re calculating the points from.



Saturday 3rd September – Bootcamp Challenge @ 8.30am & Partaay @ 7.30pm J


I mentioned earlier in the challenge that we would hold a Bootcamp challenge on the last Saturday of the challenge. Juddy has been planning out a way to thrash you guys but we have decided not reveal exactly what the challenge will be....can’t have you guys training for it before hand. The challenge will be relay type activities but it is all designed to be fair no matter your fitness or skill level. The Bootcamp will start at 8.30pm and will be done here using the College Rifles facilities. Juddy will take you guys through a 20-30mintue Bootcamp session first, and at the end will be when we’ll run the relays between the teams.

Points are given for participation so you want to get as many of your team to attend and participate. Points will also be given depending on the placing of your team. Team Captains will be included in the Challenge also J

I will let you know later in the week the points that can be earned from the Bootcamp challenge.



Then that evening at 7.30pm we have arranged exclusive hire of Juice Bar in Parnell for our gym partaay. The party is to celebrate the end of the Evolution Challenge, although all members are welcome. Also feel free to bring partners or a friend.  There are lots of prizes to be won including a GHD, wine, plenty of vouchers and more!

It would be great to get as many of you as we could there on the night as it’s guaranteed to be a great time. All of the staff will be there and don’t worry....we will be eating and drinking!



So book for you BIA test, get raring to go for the Bootcamp Challenge and then I hope to see you all at the partaay in your fancy gears!



Fitness Manager


Friday, August 12, 2011

MS Program In your Area

Dear Sir/Madam,

Would you like to work at home without stress and make upto 200$ per assignment

Please Click Here if you want to participate with us.

John Corody.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Party Party



Don’t forget to keep the night of Saturday the 3RD  September FREE…

For the end of EVOLUTION party


Always good times and we need to congratulate everyone who has achieved during it

We will keep you posted with updates and prizes for it next week, just make sure you have the night off


Berrry niiiiiice

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bonus Challenge

Hey Guys,


I have been looking forward to this Bonus round for the whole challenge J


Evolution Bake Off!


Teams must pick a member in their team to bake us the most delicious cake they can.

We will be judging by:

Originality – Anyone can bake a good chocolate or banana cake but we want to see something different

Taste – Very important!

Texture – Nothing worse than a dry hard piece of cake

Presentation – All of my best tasting cakes have been the worst looking so it’s got to taste and look good

Sin Value – how guilty are we going to feel eating this


Each of these will be scored out of 10 so overall you overall score will be out of 50.



The cake must be submitted by Friday at 11am and the whole cake must be submitted as there will be several judges.


1st Place – 100 points

2nd Place – 70 points

3rd Place – 50 points

4th Place – 40 points

5th Place – 30 points




So get the electric mixer out and starting baking!








Friday, August 5, 2011


Ok time for a hello
We are making a great start backto the gym after having had a shaky few weeks.
So now is the big push!!!
I will be making contact with you all for some GF bookings and also want to round out a couple of group sessions for all to have a laugh in
We had a good one a couple weeks ago but am available for a few different times so please hola out
They aren't real ass kickers plenty of fun but we need to keep the momentum
I know its a big ask to win but i just want to make sure that we don't come last!!
Becs and Shells i think you 2 should be team captains for the next week what are your thoughts??

If we are really good Becs might take us on a family outing to a warriors game... wooop wooop

Remember... make sure that you naturally finish your set

-----Original Message-----
From: Meghan Wales []
Sent: Friday, 29 July 2011 9:36 a.m.
To: Liz Connoley; Andrew Dennis; Justin Wootton
Cc: Sarah D'Audney;; Helen Carter; George Blore; Jimmy Maher;;;;;

This morning session was AWESOME massive thanks to Jimmy and Juddy
Definitely want to make it a more regular thing!!!
How are people placed for morning sessions??

MEGHAN WALES | KEY ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE | SKY TELEVISION | TEL: +64 9 531 6252 | MOB: +64 21 246 8565 | FAX: 09 520 3600

-----Original Message-----
From: Liz Connoley []
Sent: Friday, 29 July 2011 8:55 a.m.
To: Andrew Dennis; Justin Wootton
Cc: Sarah D'Audney;; Meghan Wales; Helen Carter; George Blore; Jimmy Maher;;;;;

Sorry I never made it this morning team maru! How did it go?
I had every intention to with my gear ready but im still trying to beat this blimmin chest infection and am a spluttering mess in the morning. I'm particularly gutted I missed out on a jazz omelette.
BUT in better news I will make my 4 gym trips this week.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Dennis []
Sent: Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:13 p.m.
To: Justin Wootton
Cc: Sarah D'Audney;; Meghan Wales; Helen Carter; Liz Connoley; George Blore; Jimmy Maher;;;;;
Subject: Re: Anyone wanna be my boxing partner tonight / tomorrow night?!

Hi all

Is session at 6.45 tomorrow?


Andrew Dennis

On 26/07/2011, at 10:18 AM, "Justin Wootton" <> wrote:

> Am happy to get up and do a team training session this Friday for you all then we can have some eats?? 6.30 train for 45mins then breaky?? Who has work early?
> Lets wear our team shirts and exert a little pressure around the gym let them know team black is on the comeback!!!
> Sez you are right we need a little more team love so let's fire up this badboy
> I want everyone to feel prepared for our dietary onslaught next week... even im on the band wagon so i can feel your pain ( and baggy eyes ), so hoki mai, don't be shy
> Who doesn't have their shirts?? I have them in y office now
> Let's get some motivation Maru
> [cid:image004.jpg@01CC4B7D.29CC93D0]
> [cid:image002.jpg@01CC4B7D.4BCAD140]
> [cid:image006.jpg@01CC4B7D.4BCAD140]
> From: Sarah D'Audney []
> Sent: Monday, 25 July 2011 7:04 p.m.
> To: Justin Wootton
> Cc: Meghan Wales; Helen Carter; Liz Connoley; George Blore; Jimmy Maher;;;;;;
> Subject: Re: Anyone wanna be my boxing partner tonight / tomorrow night?!
> Great Juddy, thanks!
> Ok lets list it; who can make the class on Thursday??
> Megs?
> Helen?
> Liz?
> George?
> Jimmy?
> Andrew?
> Margaret?
> Sarah?
> Sarah?
> Juddy?
> Juanita?
> Shelley?
> Rebecca?
> - shake your bon bon!
> Also think a Friday morning breakie is needed to regroup- as I feel I am not having enough team interaction to make this more enjoyable.
> Anyone keen for this Friday or next, Cafe Jazz at 8am??
> S
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Justin Wootton <<>> wrote:
> Hellooooo everybody
> So we need to really rally together a little more this week as we seem to have had a rough week with kiddies school holidays and the like.
> We have a bonus challenge this week and it's a real chance for us to get some major points!!!!
> I was planning on doing the diet this week but we have a few away so im gonna hit that hard next week so be ready ya'll!!!
> Here is the little piece out of the blog for this week's challenge so let's hook into getting numbers.
> Bring your kids if there's no babysitter!!!
> Free training sessions going this week for any who need a kick in the pants
> Put your hands up!!!
> Just counted up the points earned from last week and Zeus is still sitting on top with Athena following close behind them.
> For this week's Bonus Challenge we're pulling out something that we did last year…..
> Viva Latin Dance class Thursday night @ 7pm
> Each team member that attends and participates in the whole class will earn 10 points. You must wear your Evolution t-shirt to earn the points, and we'll have a dance off between one member from each team where extra points can be earned.
> Although there is one more thing….you must get a photo of your team members some time during the class and post this up on the Genesis Fitness Remuera Facebook page. This needs to be done by this Sunday 31st otherwise you do not earn any points for your teams attendance.
> The rules:
> - Evolution t-shirt must be worn (for those few who don't have their t-shirts yet this does not include you)
> - You cannot be anymore than 10minutes late to the class
> - You cannot leave the class early
> - A photo of your team members participating in the class needs to be posted on Facebook by end of Sunday 31st
> - Have fun!
> FYI…we've had a lot of Evolution members suggest some sort of challenge between each team that also includes the team captains.
> We are definitely looking to do some sort of Bootcamp relay for the last Bonus round. It has not been decided yet what exactly will be involved in the challenge, but we're looking to hold this the end of the last week on Saturday 3rd September.
> We're also in the midst of planning the party for the end of the 12 Week Challenge. This will also be on Saturday 3rd September and will be held at the Paddington in Parnell. The party was a big hit last year and a great end to the challenge and it would be great to have you all attend ☺
> Keep up the good work!
> [cid:image003.jpg@01CC4B7C.B8AFF930]
> From: Meghan Wales [<>]
> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2011 2:14 p.m.
> To: Helen Carter; Justin Wootton; Sarah D'Audney; Liz Connoley
> Cc: George Blore; Jimmy Maher;<>;<>;<>;<>;<>;<>
> Subject: RE: Anyone wanna be my boxing partner tonight / tomorrow night?!
> Sorry have netball training tonight
> MEGHAN WALES | KEY ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE | SKY TELEVISION | TEL: +64 9 531 6252<tel:%2B64%209%20531%C2%A06252> | MOB: +64 21 246 8565<tel:%2B64%2021%C2%A0246%208565> | FAX: 09 520 3600
> ________________________________
> From: Helen Carter [<>]
> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2011 1:35 p.m.
> To: Justin Wootton; Sarah D'Audney; Liz Connoley
> Cc: George Blore; Jimmy Maher; Meghan Wales;<>;<>;<>;<>;<>;<>
> Subject: Anyone wanna be my boxing partner tonight / tomorrow night?!
> ________________________________
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> 10 Panorama Rd, Mt Wellington
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